Our motto Come as you are, make it yours exemplifies our approach to building community. We encourage you to get involved in a manner that is meaningful to you, because only then can we continue to grow as a community. Propose and plan a class or event. Lead part of a service for the first time or the 50th time. Help us dream and re-envision our community as we grow and expand.
At Annex Shul, we daven, learn, and share meals together. We volunteer together. Tov l’hodot l’hashem – with thanks to God, together we celebrate milestones and mourn losses – small and great. As a group, we grapple with questions and dilemmas particular to the Jewish community here and around the world.
We are a musical, feminist, Queer-inclusive, multi-denominational, minyan, and we encourage everyone in our community to play an active role in our davening. Our patrons come from diverse backgrounds so while our services are based on a traditional framework, and we use traditional liturgy, we encourage conversation and questions, and we often pause to reflect on the meaning of a particular phrase or idea incorporated into the prayers.
We offer lively and participatory services, discussion-based learning opportunities, social gatherings, Tikkun Olam projects, and leadership development opportunities.
Although the majority of Annex Shul participants are in their 20s and 30s, all are welcome, regardless of age or affiliation, and we make a point of ensuring that all our religious services and classes are accessible to all.
Join us!
Annex Shul also offers:
Chinuch (Educational Series)
Tikkun Olam Initiatives (Volunteer and Service Opportunities)
High Holy Day Services
Holiday Programming
Partnership programming with organizations from around our community
Opportunities to lead a portion of services, lain Torah or a teach a class