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Annex Shul High Holy Days are a highlight in our community. Our services will, as always, be enlightening, participatory, and egalitarian.


High Holy Day services begin with the first and second days of Rosh Hashana on Thursday, October 3 and Friday, October 4 (note that we do not hold services on erev/evening of Rosh Hashanah).
Services continue with Erev (Evening of) Yom Kippur on Friday October 11, and Yom Kippur Day on Saturday, October 12.


Service Details:

High Holy Day services this year will again take place outside to provide our community with meaningful and safe prayer spaces. Many congregants reported they felt moved by the outdoor services the past years, and we are excited to enjoy the uplifting ritual space outside with you all once again.


​Please note that we will not be providing seating and you are encouraged to bring your own folding chair or blanket to sit on. We will provide machzors (prayer books). 

We encourage congregants to find comfortable space within our prayer area which will be demarcated. The seating will be for all genders.  


We will not have a tent structure but there is rain coverage. Because there is rain coverage, we will not be cancelling due to rain. 


There is a public restroom in the park.


Accessibility information:

The park and grassy area we will be on are accessible for folks with mobility aids. If you require a folding chair please contact We will be able to provide a limited number of chairs for those who need. 



We are happy to be offering childcare again this year, from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm on RH1, RH2 and Yom Kippur Day. Please let us know on your registration form if you will be using child care.

We are so glad that you are considering joining us for High Holy Days at Annex Shul this year! It is certain to be a memorable and moving experience.



We will be treating RH1, RH2, Yom Kippur and Kol Nidre as separate ticketed days. You are also welcome to use our pay-what-you-can option. The sliding scale ticket prices are:

  • $36 – $72 for each day (RH1 or RH2 or KN or YK)

  • For example

    • $72 – $144 for 2 days (RH1+RH2 or KN+YK)

    • $144 – $288 for all the Holy Days (RH1+RH2+KN+YK)


No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Please feel encouraged to use the PWYC option ($3 minimum for tax receipt). Ticketing suggestions are intended for a single person. Please indicate on the registration form if multiple people will be joining us.


There will not be physical tickets. We will check in attendees who have registered from the registration list.

High Holy Day tickets cover our High Holy Day Services and sustain Annex Shul year-round. We encourage you to think about what you can contribute towards the substance of our community.  Please reflect on the value of services and community and give what you can to sustain it!


You can listen to our Rosh Hashana playlist here.


Thursday, October 3rd – First Day of Rosh Hashana:
Davening - 9:30am-1:00pm (Location: Bickford Park, 400 Grace St.)

Shofar service - Approximately 11:00 am


Tashlich Ritual:

4:00 pm (Cedarvale Ravine, meet at Heath Entrance of St. Clair West Subway Station)

Friday, October 4th – Second Day of Rosh Hashana:
Davening - 9:30am-1:00pm (Location: Bickford Park)
Shofar service - Approximately 11:00 am




Friday, October 11th Kol Nidre :

Candle lighting: 6:21 pm

Kol Nidre - 6:30 pm, promptly (Location: Bickford Park)

Followed by Ma’ariv and selections from Slichot service.


Saturday, October 12th Yom Kippur:

Davening - 10:00 am (Location: Bickford Park)

Yizkor - approximately 12:30 pm. 

(Explanatory Avodah Service, following Musaf)

Afternoon Break


Pre-Neila singing - 5:30 pm


Neila - 6:30pm

Shofar Blowing - 7:28 pm


Please indicate on the registration form if you are registering for multiple people and if you will be using child care.

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High Holy Days Outdoors: Text

©2021 by Annex Shul.

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